교육 회의에 초대하는 편지
수신인 정보
June 3, 2017
Mr. Mark Fitzpatrick
Youth Representative
New Oreans Chapter
Dear Mark,
Greeting ! As discussed during our first quater meeting. Quality in Progress will be holding a series of educational sessions regarding immigration laws beginning this coming July.
교육의 필요성
Our first educational session is entitled Citizenship and Immigration Documentation. As immigration laws become more intricate, our agents and vounteers need to have a clearer, more simplified understanding of the immigration process and the new procedures that need to be followed.
참석자 + 진행방식
We have invited several immigration lawyers and foreign policy specialists to discuss with us important matters.
These include explaining to clients what they need to know in order to avoid potential legal troubles when immigrating to a new country.
The resource persons will lead a casual roundtable discussion of the topic that we hope will impart useful information to our members.
76 특정세부사항 Why
Why is Quality in Progress hosting the educational sessions?
(a) to create better foreign policies
(b) to let members help their clients better
(c) to attact more volunteers
(d) to help its members avoid legal problems
Due to our organization's limited budget, only a select number of our members have been invited to attend this training. Invitees were chosen based on their participation in our activities over the past year. Upon completion of the training , these members will receive a certificate of participation as a testament to their increased knowledge.
77 추론 [ 특정사실 ]
What could be the reason Mark is being invited to the event?
(a) He needs to understand immigration laws better.
(b) He's been a member for a long time.
(c) He joined past organization activities.
(d) His position in the organization is high.
80 어휘 [유의어]
In the context of the passage, testament means ____________.
(a) award 상
(b) sign 신호
(c) proof 증거
(d) support 지원
참석여부 회신요청
Training will be held at Richford Recreation Hall, Room 193 on July 10, 11, and 12 2017 , in New Orleans . As one of the members invited to attend this seminar. kindly complete the attached registration form and e-mail it to crystaldavis @ qip. org by June 27th should you want to join the session.
A separate e-mail regarding the event's program will be sent upon your acceptance of this invitation.
78 특정세부사항 [ What]
What will be sent separately to the members participating in the sessions?
(a) copies of laws to be discussed
(b) the contact information
(c) a registration form
(d) the event's detailed line - up
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